01224 208729 info@fyfemoirassociates.com First Floor, 5 Abercrombie Court Prospect Road Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, AB32 6FE


March 31, 2020
The Chancellor announced a VAT payments deferral on 20 March to support businesses with cashflow during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that all businesses with a UK VAT registration have the option to defer VAT payments due between 20 March and 30 June. Businesses have until 31 March 2021 to pay any VAT deferred as...
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If an employer has formally furloughed an employee then the employee will be entitled to 80% of his or her ‘salary’. If it is a fixed salary then it will be based upon what was paid in February (excluding fees, commission or bonuses). Where the employees pay varies and has been employed for a full...
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About Us

At Fyfe Moir & Associates we work with forward thinking business owners to solve common business problems in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

We are dedicated to providing a timely, proactive and cost effective service, delivered by a highly motivated and dedicated team.