01224 208729 info@fyfemoirassociates.com First Floor, 5 Abercrombie Court Prospect Road Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, AB32 6FE


December 6, 2021
What is MTD ITSA? Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment. Who could be affected by it? Self-employed individuals and landlords with a tax year turnover exceeding £10,000. Partnership which consists only of individual partners. The turnover threshold takes account of the combined turnover of a person’s total number of businesses and rental properties. Please...
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Who does this affect? Unincorporated businesses (sole-traders, partnerships, and limited liability partnerships) whose accounts year does not end between 31st March and 5th What is the present position? For a particular tax year, you are normally taxed on the net profit per the accounts which end in that tax year. Example of the Present Position...
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When does MTD come in for PLs? The earliest date would be 6th April 2024. When would a PL have to register for MTD? The earlier of: The tax year following that in which your gross rental turnover figure exceeds £10,000 or more. Or The tax year following that in which your gross rental turnover...
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At Fyfe Moir & Associates we work with forward thinking business owners to solve common business problems in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

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