01224 208729 info@fyfemoirassociates.com First Floor, 5 Abercrombie Court Prospect Road Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, AB32 6FE


The VAT Flat Rate Scheme: What is changing?

Following setbacks in court, HMRC have decided that they are changing how the Flat Rate Scheme (FRS) operates. We are somewhat bemused by their headlining of the changes as “tackling aggressive abuse of the VAT Flat Rate Scheme”, since as far as we can see all that businesses have done is followed the rules and […]

Where are we going with HMRC?

Dealing with the Revenue on a daily basis, I have to say that the times we live in at the moment are the most turbulent I’ve ever experienced. Local offices have disappeared at a rate of knots. The drive to centralisation is relentless. Call centres seem to be at the heart of day to day […]

When It Comes Back

All of 2015 has seen huge changes in the Oil industry in the North East, most of it very unpleasant. A massive fall in the price per barrel has seen drastic cuts in personnel and overheads. At the time of writing no-one can with any degree of confidence tell us when the price will bounce […]

The Workplace Pension (Auto Enrolment)

In our view this is a massive change for employers which sadly but not surprisingly many employers have failed to grasp the significance of. In 2016 and 2017 the vast majority of SME’s will be required to Stage for Auto Enrolment (AE) and they should receive by 31 May 2015 a letter from The Pension […]

Putting the “Rainy Day” theory into practice

Here in Aberdeen and the North East these past few weeks have been all about oil, its price and what it means for our economic powerhouse. We have been here before. Oil companies have tended to hire when things are great and then fire when they either realise they are overstaffed or when the margins […]