01224 208729 info@fyfemoirassociates.com First Floor, 5 Abercrombie Court Prospect Road Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, AB32 6FE

Scotland Additional New Lockdown Grant 2021

Who is it aimed at?

  • The retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.


What is the grant?

  • A one off grant on a per property basis.
  • This is in addition to the grants received through the Strategic Business Framework Fund (SBFF).
  • £25,000 for larger hospitality businesses on top of the 4-weekly £3,000.
  • £6,000 for smaller hospitality businesses on top of the 4-weekly £2,000.
  • £9,000 for larger retail and leisure businesses on top of the 4-weekly £3,000.
  • £6,000 for smaller retail and leisure businesses on top of the 4-weekly £2,000.



  • A business is forced to close due to Government imposed Covid-19 restrictions.
  • Larger hospitality businesses are those with a rateable value of £51,001 or more.
  • Smaller hospitality businesses are those with a rateable value of £51,000 or less.
  • Larger retail and leisure businesses are those with a rateable value of £51,001 or more.
  • Smaller retail and leisure businesses are those with a rateable value of £51,000 or less.


How to apply?

  • Businesses that haven’t yet applied for either this or the SBFF should submit an application as soon as possible through their local authority website.
  • Those businesses that have already applied for the 4-weekly payment from the SBFF will get an automatic top-up.
  • For the majority, this top-up will be combined with the next tranche of payment for the Strategic Framework Business Fund due to go to businesses on 25 January.